Legacy Basket Vases, S/3

SAR 759.00

Rich in texture and detail, these ceramic vases were molded from an authentic wicker basket. Subtle matte white pumice glaze enhances the texture and lends to the impression of lost family relics rediscovered. Sizes: S-4x4x4, M-7x7x7, L-5x10x5

Dimensions:5 W X 10 H X 5 D (in)
Delivery from 3 to 6 months

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Available to Buy Now = 7-14 days to deliver
Available for Pre-Order = 90 - 180 days to deliver

Part Number: R17778-UTT
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Rich in texture and detail, these ceramic vases were molded from an authentic wicker basket. Subtle matte white pumice glaze enhances the texture and lends to the impression of lost family relics rediscovered. Sizes: S-4x4x4, M-7x7x7, L-5x10x5

Dimensions:5 W X 10 H X 5 D (in)
Legacy Basket Vases, S/3